Sunday 19 October 2014

A Simple Truth

Dear Diary,

             A Simple Truth

My story is simple to understand. I was betrayed. This isn't a sob story, but a simple truth that I've come to know through experience. There is an invisible line that has to be drawn when you befriend some one, one that dictate's how far a friend would go for that other friend. I know I sound callous, but if you had to go through what I went through then you'd understand where I'm coming from.

Every friend that I've had has betrayed me in some way. They all used me to get what they wanted then dumped me off because I was no longer of use to them. They also talked about me behind my back, played pranks and cruel jokes on me for a laugh as well. What did I do? I let them because I was too afraid to stand up for myself because I was scared of loosing the only friends that I had at the time. 

I don't want anyone's pity because I knowingly let myself be a doormat. I just wished I would've realized sooner that I didn't have to be a pathetic doormat to have friends. That I could be strong and resilient and, have self respect. People pitied me for it because they knew how naive I was at the time. Now that I look back, I see how stupid I was, but that part of my life is over and those people no longer matter.

I'm giving you this very short and cliff noted version of my jilted past friendships to help anyone who has felt betrayed by their friends. If a friend treats you like crap they are not your friends. You deserve better than to be treated like a doormat. Don't be like me, stand up for yourself!

I'm not saying that I didn't eventually see the light, but it was pretty much too late to really do anything about it. So, I feel that by writing this story I can enlighten you all to a simple truth, a true friend loves you for who you are and doesn't  constantly try to mold you into another person. Also, sometimes the only person you have is yourself and if you learn to stand alone you are tougher than them, because they are weak minded. Only weak minded people choose to taunt and tease people.

That's all I have to say.....


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