Friday 17 October 2014

Dear Diary: God Wanted

"On The Path Where No One Ever Goes  
There, Alone She Stood 
Holding Back All her woes.
All Her Pain She Never Shows,
Sitting Quietly Under The Wood.
On The path Where No One Ever Goes.

Crawling In between The Rows,
Trying To Escape From The Cruel Hood.
Holding Back All Her Woes.

Running Away From Her Foes,
Far, As Far As She could.
On The Path Where No One Ever Goes.

Walking Ahead Her toes,
Tripping &Falling As she Would.
On The Path Where No One Ever Goes,
Holding Back All Her Woes."                    -Rachit Agrawal (My Friend)

But the worst and the best was yet to come ............. God Wanted

I passed 3rd standard with 92% i was quite satisfied and happy on the contrary mother wasn't .
I had no idea what is going to happen next in my life i had hopes of success but never knew that God had planned lots of struggles . 4th standard , i was a bright student then too was a captain i remember . one day my friends and i were playing during recess and after that we had Our Information Technology period . we went to class and always we had to have a partner for computers all bffs used to make pairs so did i , I went to ***** told her let's go  ! she made  a cranky face , said nothing and moved along with her other friend's .we reached the Lab i asked her again about the partner thing she replied "stay away Mayuri, My mother has told me be partners with toppers and you're not one of them" GOD ! ,if you'have read previous story i told u about snatching my timetable actually that friend was her . because of her i betrayed my parents my teachers , they did  asked  the reason why didn't i showed them the timetable , since i never wanted her to get scolded i didn't took her name . and that girl is telling me this . that day i sat alone in class (it pinned me)
And today is the worst memory
she stopped talking to me that day and i tried so hard to become her friend again,
i dropped down in studies , i wrote her letters and till date i think about what mistake i did? 
Class 5th and story continues .........

******* and i are just fb friends today more a like strangers , theres more to this friendship i'll let u know soon it's late i have to complete my assignment .

Lots Of Love

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