Wednesday 22 October 2014

Dear Diary : The Suicide and Rumors

Dear Diary,

many things happened ................. 

Ma'am dragged me to the principal n she gave me a scolding, i moved back to the class and nobody was talking to me i was like a public figure ,that too in a bad way. I was expecting a hand from my friends and they did come once to ask what happened ? why did you write that? and stuff then my class teacher came up and excused me from the class . she asked me why did u write that i told her i was helpless i know i wouldn't have done it but i have the habit of writing in anger i do it at home too ma'am . she asked what's wrong with your parents . i told her they fight i feel like they would kill each other someday moreover everybody loves my brother more than me :'( i have nobody to care about me n now wen i have failed she would just murder me . after saying this i told her her please don't call my parents from home as whenever they get to know this either they will kill me or will kill themselves. but they did and finally daddy came to school he got a lecture from principal i was called too i made them believe that i was just writing n suicide was just the wrong term i used nobody told me anything i went back home mommy daddy nobody was talking to me n whenever from that day i used to do mistakes i used to be taunted by saying "now we can't even shout otherwise she'll commit suicide" other day my ma'am told how's everybody at home are they treating u? well i just thought they treated me well from the beginning the thing which i was having a problem was with their fights and there "devotional love" towards my brother as he was getting more praise by everybody .BUT wen a rumor or fact is spread it gets additional talks too n they added more to my fact that my mother tried to kill me and i even heard that i am having a step mother OH MY GOD . from then on the fact actually became a rumor to me but a fact for others till 10th grade i used to hear a lot i got depressed hearing these until i read a quote.
To everybody whose dealing with depression and ever thinks to do suicide and end up i want you to ask yourself why always god gives problems to you?
(you might have asked and cursed god for this question many times i know)
the answer is "the person who doesn't have problems in life never  values his achievements later , god gives problems to those ppl only who can bare it , and who can't bare them and don't believe in him god shows them many things" for facts :

Untimely Deaths of Famous People Who Mocked God

After saying that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ, John Lennon was shot 6 times-Fiction!
After saying that only God could remove him from office a Brazilian president elect died before his inauguration- Unproven!
Brazilian singer Cazuza died at the age of 32 of LUNG CANCER after blowing cigarette smoke at God - Fiction!
Actress Marilyn Monroe told Billy Graham that she did not need Jesus and died shortly afterwards-  Fiction!
The man who built the Titanic said "Not even God can sink it!" - Unproven!

because theirs a big difference in human being and being human !



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