Thursday 16 October 2014

Dear Diary : My First Lie

Dear Diary,

"A Lil Pain, A Little Pleasure,
A Lil Rising Up of Measure.
Then No More Walking Up In Pain,
All The Prayers I Cried In Vain.

Where is the time for hope or doubt?
A call from heaven and life is out.
I let go my tears quietly in rain,
All the prayers i cried in vain.

Time Is Limitless, It Has No Bound,
I Cry ALoud, They Bear No Sound.
Death Is Only The Deathless Aim,
All The Prayers I Cried In Vain

It's Hard To Believe I Might Not Be Alive,
I Craved For Happiness All Through My Life.
So Here Comes My Time Crawling In Pain,
All The Prayers I cried In Vain."                       - By: Rachit Agrawal (my friend)

Still in my memory.......My First Lie

I was eight , i remember and there comes a time where i started destroying myself . you must have heard each year ppl grow n with them grown is there fate. but opp. to mine I was in 3rd standard then . friends were the world to me . suddenly my friends come snatched my timetable n went away i was like OK since ma'am told students to not to give time table if anyone asks , i begged but nobody gave me the schedule . School got over i came back home my mom asked did u get the time table i was like no i didn't. (My first lie) and then i started lying  to her daily of time table n the final examination started i gave my hundred percent and last exam was to come . it rained heavily , i felt somethings bad gonna happen , so it did ; my bag got wet as i was coming back from school to home mother took out all the note books and kept it under the fan letting it dry, suddenly she saw my test copies (test copies were returned to students before final exams for parents to see how should they work harder on there child's performance during final examination) she doubted and asked i lied again ("once a Doubt forever a doubt" i realize now) next day when i was giving my last exam i saw my mom at school my heart beat got so fast . That day Ma'am told her everything that exams are going and how m i performing . shocking was that most examination papers were  corrected and ma'am told mommy that i scored 90 above in all. But there comes a "BUT" a "BIG BUT" actually  .i came back home i was afraid she would kill me , beat me, throw me out of the house etc etc . i cried like anything my mom came to me hugged me and said "u have lied and lie would never take you to success u worked hard i know but u lied to me it'll be hard for me to trust u, but My Mother Duty tells me to stand beside you , even if u fail." that sentence was soo beautiful , i thought what opinions i have about my mother were always wrong . I started loving her lil bit but the worst and the best was yet to come ............. 

Enough for today Diary, i know you're enjoying 
see you tomorrow


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